Sunday, November 11, 2012

Parent Teacher Conferences

Well, I made it through my first Parent Teacher Conferences and the real only problem was how chatty I was. I couldn't keep a meeting between 15-20 minutes to save my life. Really, I was just a chatting machine. But, I did want to get feedback from the parents and ask if there were questions and concerns and I am always interested in finding out more about my students. They are all so wonderful but I know them differently than their parents so it is great to hear a parent tell me about their child. Note to self about next year-if I still have a job. You never know! That is put out the parent teacher conference worksheet times at the beginning of the year at the meet the teacher event. Be sure all sign so I won't feel rushed. Next, remember to send home parent feedback form again - that was helpful. It asked the parents how much time they spent on homework and additional helpful questions. Also, set out a table again in the hallway with two chairs, books, and candy. Last I need to set the table so I can actually see the clock. Really, I need to keep a better eye on it since I am such a chatty person. I have to say I really enjoyed these conferences. The parents were so helpful and being a parent myself I totally get them. I understand when they feel concerned, hesitant, excited or quiet. I understand what it is like to have a child you love so much you want to be sure that each day they are well taken care of at school. It is such an honor and I thank God I have been given this opportunity.

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